DENR V - Forestry Spatial Datasets

Forestry Spatial Datasets, Data Dictionary, Naming Convention, and Style

This section describes the different spatial datasets used in the mapping and monitoring of forestry plans and programs and how they should be reorted when being uploaded to the cloud or being sent to other DENR Offices.

Spatial Datasets (FSD)

FSD refers to the datasets being managed by the forestry sector which can be in six (6) major categories/themes to

  1. Investments - datasets pertaining to management and utilization of forestlands in terms of ptential investment opportunities and commercial production and extraction of timber or other forest
  2. Reforestation and Forest Rehabilitation - datasets pertaining to plans and programs intended to address emerging issues in deforestation and forest degradation
  3. Forest Monitoring and Protection - datasets pertaining to forest monitoring and strategies on conservation plans and impact of forest threats such as logging activities.
  4. Watershed Ecosystem Management - datasets pertaining to forest ecosystem services and integrated watershed management
  5. Forest Resource use and Assessrnent - datasets to information on the quantification of forest resources and assessment of forest resource use
  6. Forest Land Use and Allocation - datasets pertaining to forest land use and allocation such as tenure agreements, management arrangements and other projects.
Source: Forestry Geospatial Data Guidebook EMB-DENR



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